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Physical Data of ILs

Physical Data of ILs
Overview page
Physical Data of ILs, Part 1
Scaled-calculated ionic volumes, Temperature-dependent viscosities and conductivities
Physical Data of ILs, Part 2
Experimentally determined static dielectric constants, solubility of H2, Temperature-dependent viscosities and conductivities
Physical Data of ILs, Part 3
Temperature-dependent viscosities and conductivities
Physical Data of ILs, Part 4
Set 1 and 2 with Vm, experimental and calculated CpT
Physical Data of ILs, Part 5
Experimentally measured versus the extrapolated CMCs
Physical Data of ILs, Part 6
Molecular volumes and radii as well as the solvent-accessible surface and the different enthalpies
Physical Data of ILs, Part 7
Experimental and calculated melting points, COSMO-RS interaction enthalpies